Friday, August 11, 2006

A Small Victory

Micah has been very pre-occupied with sitting on the potty since we had our little training session last week. I have to be honest - it's been a bit of a pain! Yes, I should be happy that he wants to be on the potty, but I think the only reason he likes it is because 1) he gets to be naked and 2) he gets to play with his "potty toys" (a selection of toys I kept in the bathroom to keep him occupied while training). So, I have to take off his pants and his multiple layers of cloth diaper, and, because I don't have a portable potty (rather just one that fits on our toilet seat), I have to sit in there with him. Of course, nothing usually happens.
Well, yesterday he was asking to go on the potty again and he ended up pulling his diaper right off and running to the bathroom. Since he was already naked, half the work was done for me, so I figured, why not? I heard him say "uh-oh" from the hallway and saw that he had made a little puddle on the rug. It wasn't very big so I thought maybe there was more where that came from. I stuck him on the potty and within a few seconds I heard the unmistakeable tinkling. I don't even think he realized at first what was happening since he was so enthralled with his new beaver bath-toy from Granny. But, I made sure he saw what was going on and let him know that this was a REALLY good thing. We clapped and gave high-fives and I showed him how to press the flusher and say "bye!" Then he got a little treat just to seal the deal.
So, a small victory in the big scheme of potty-training, but at least he knows what he needs to do in order to celebrate (and get the all-important treat!)


derek salmon said...

hi there! i saw your post on kelly's blog and i thought your family sounds like mine :)

we are having baby2 due Nov 15 and our daughter was born Feb 26 05. we have only had one potty victory so far, but we are not really trying yet :)

congratulations all around!

amanda salmon

The Keowns said...

congrats Micah!!! I so know how exciting it is to hear that first tinkle!!

Anonymous said...

That is FANTASTIC!!! Jamie you wrote the events that happened in a very comical way! Loved it! Way to endure!

Janelle said...

yiippeeee! way to go Micah!!
hey Jamie - what treats are you giving him? i'm curious what works!

KDees said...

I really need to post more comments on your blog. I realize now how fun it is to get comments from people on ours, and you are always faithful about doing that, Jamie! Thanks! So, congratulations on this small victory! Keep at it! Imagine how awesome it will be if Micah is trained by the time the baby comes!

kelly ens said...

way to go Micah!!!! that's so great!!! :)

Tanya said...

Yay Micah! Getting that first pee in the potty is the first step to getting more in there...way to go!

I know you don't know me...but you once hung out with my daughter at a BBI volleyball tourny (she was two or three..ha ha). I'm a friend of Janelle's...I now live in BC as well. You have a really beautiful family! (you might also know my inlaws...Paul and Karen Juneau?) Take care.