Here is Micah sleeping on his 'big boy' bed for the very first time! We decided to set it up on Saturday morning and he was pretty excited about it. He went down for his nap perfectly fine. That night was a repeat performance - I don't think he realized that he could get out if he wanted. In the morning he actually cried until we came and got him even though his door was wide open. Sunday night was not so great. He cried out several times and after Erik lying down with him, etc., we just ended up putting him in his crib for the rest of the night and he slept better. I'm not sure what the problem was. He wasn't getting out of bed, but I think he just felt disoriented or something...
So, tonight we'll see! We were at the beach all day and he had a long nap on the way home just around supper time. He's been wired ever since and is still kind of crying in his room right now at 9:30 pm. It sounds like he's in his bed though, so we'll leave him be. There's not too much trouble he can get into in there ;)
Jamie, you are really going hard with the training and sleeping. Good for you. Keep your hopes up and don't give up. It's will all work out in the end.
Way to go, Jamie. You are slowly crossing some of these hurdles before baby #2 comes along. Best of luck with it all! I won't be too much behind you in some of those departments! Glad that you're paving the way and can provide some advice when my turn comes!
he looks so small in the big boy bed! so cute!
These 'transitioning to the next phase' pictures are the best Jamie. Looking forward to hanging out with you all soon.
They grow up so fast eh? I hope tongiht goes well for you all.
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