Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Getting Ready

I've started feeling a little panicky in the last couple of days as I've realized that I'm already 25 weeks! The 3rd trimester is just around the corner! Erik and I both agreed that my belly seems to have hit another "growth spurt". All of a sudden I'm feeling big and awkward and cumbersome. But, the panicky feeling isn't really for myself - I've been ready for this baby for weeks already! In fact, I'd love to just skip right over the next 3 months. What I AM worried about, though, is if Micah's ready for the baby. In my perfect world, he was definitely going to be potty-trained and weaned from his soother before baby #2 arrived. And initially I thought we could keep him in his crib for awhile after - and just keep baby in the playpen. But now I'm thinking it might be best to get him used to a big-boy bed before we throw a demanding infant into the mix... So, I've got 3 months to make this all happen and I'm suddenly feeling overwhelmed!
Obviously I would be foolish to try and make all of these changes at once, but I'm just not sure where to start. Potty-training is definitely high on the priority list. Even though Micah's never actually "gone" on the potty, he is showing a lot of signs of readiness & has been quite preoccupied with the toilet and its functions. I think if I devoted myself to it for a week or 2, we might have some success. My sister just told me that she had to put Kailyn on the the toilet every 15 minutes for the first couple of days in order to start the process - so I recognize that this will take time and dedication. (But she also said that Kailyn pretty much potty-trained her brother Josh, so it all worked out for them in the end!)
Anyway, so I'm looking for wisdom, encouragement, advice - whatever you have to offer! And I'll keep you all posted on how things are going! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie! You look beautiful! Just seeing you tummy makes me want to do it all over again, even though Spence is only 2 and a half months old. I know I need to wait though, for sanity's sake! Hope things are going good for you. I said a little prayer for you today. God Bless!

kelly ens said...

I can't say I have any advice on preparing the first child for the second...but i can offer further blogger help if you want.
One option would be to assign a temporary password to blogger, and I could go in there and set it up for you, and then go back to your old password when I'm done. If you are interested, just email me a password at kellyens at gmail dot com :)

Cordella said...

The photos are absolutely beautiful! I have no opinions other than what my friends Taran and Kristy are going through right now. They potty trained their daughter Rhea in time for their second son Kade. But the second Kade came home, Rhea relapsed and Kristy has had to retrain her. Apparently it is an attention getter and very frustrating. Maybe me saying all this has been no help at all, and if that is the case, I'm sorry:)

KDees said...

What beautiful, precious pictures. It won't be you and Micah for very much longer! You look really good, by the way, Jamie!

Trev and Rebekah said...

All the best Jamie. Don't get upset. Be patient and have fun. I would say try the whole bed thing and potty training at the same time. See if he likes the big person bed and is willing to try it. Talk to him lots about the baby and how he is going to be a big brother. I hope that the training goes well.

Anonymous said...

well Jamie, don't rush it. He won't even be two when the baby comes. Maybe he'll be like Aidan, and train himself, or was that Cassidy, or Josh? Anyway, one of them did. The earlier you push, the longer it takes and the more frustrated you become. mom

Lori said...

I'm sure you'll do fine, and micah will catch on pretty worries jamen...

Janelle said...

oh boy...i'm in the same spot - well, except for being pregnant...but that's a whole nother story...
any advice you get, and any that you end up wanting to give - i will be open too!!!
you're an amazing Mom Jamie! it will be stresful at first - but you will catch on quickly - you have an amazing family to support you & an incredible hubby to help you! and from the looks of the pics of Micah with Noah - you will have no looks like he loves babies already!!
you'll be in my prayers!! and i love ya.

The Keowns said...

don't push Micah too much. The baby is going to be stressful enough. I was the same way with the kids. When Cassidy was coming the only thing I was able to manage was getting Aidan in a big boy bed, the same with Cassidy when Liam was coming. As for potty training, Aidan was a little harder but it took one long week of devotion. Cassidy trained herself in a day, she kind of shocked us at about 19 months. As for the sucky, we bribed Cass when she was about 25 months or so and she had a few rough nights but that was it.
now whenever she sees a sucky, she gazes at it dreamy eyed. She must be thinkin about the good old days.
i am liking your new blog layout. I have been getting bored of my own as well but scared to change it all.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I love the new blog template. It looks absolutely gorgeous! The picture of you and Micah is very precious. This is a pretty special phase of life, hey? May you continue to feel God's fingerprints in all your days include. You are beautiful!

Ej said...

Hey Jamie

Love the new blog look. As far as prepping Micah for #2 - do what you can and do't stress too much. Micah may just go with the flow and suprise you with how easy it all goes. Personally I'd go with the 'big boy bed' as then Micah won't feel like #2 took his bed and a bunch of mom's time. Does Micah have his soother just at bed/nap or all day? You could give it a test run with limiting it just to bedtime. However you prep him it will be a big adjustment for you all but you guys are great parents so I am sure it will work out.


Crystal said...

Jamie, those beautiful pictures of you and Micah just reminded me of the special bond that happens between Mother and child! I honestly can't wait until I am pregnant.. wait.. yes I can - I can wait, but I can't all at the same time. As much as we would like children to be predictable, each one has their own timeline (I've got lots of neices and nephews).. You will do just fine with Micah, and as it has been said before - it'll happen when it's ready. I know my sister moved her son into his own room and 'big boy bed' before her next child was born, and the transition went really smooth, because the baby wasn't taking over 'his room'... I don't know if I can add very much else... so I'll sign off!