Friday, August 25, 2006

Phoning Granny

Micah doesn't know his Granny & Grandpa Harder like he knows his other Granparents simply because they live far away in Manitoba. But, he likes to talk to Granny (a.k.a "Manny") on the phone. Here he is yesterday pretending to make the call to Boissevain.

OK, let's see here... 1-2-0-4...
"Granny, are you there?" Posted by Picasa


Trev and Rebekah said...

Very cute! Will you get a chance to come out to MB to see your family???

Amber said...

hee hee! I'm still loving the hair ;)

The Keowns said...

loce the hair Micah!

KDees said...

So cute! Tyler will pick up the phone and say "heh-woah" (hello). Although when we do put the phone to his ear to actually talk to someone, he clams up! I don't know why because he's normally such a chatterbox!

Ej said...

ring ring, anybody there? So cute! Love the buzzed hair - Jack may need to come over to get a hari cut soon ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!