Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mid-Week Update

It's Wednesday and there's not too much to report. The big news is that Sunday marked Micah's 20-month birthday and the beginning of my third trimester. I still can't believe how fast it's going! Today I went in for my glucose test (gestational diabetes screening) and had to drink the sugary orange drink. Everyone complains about having to drink it, but I have to admit, I kind of like it. It's like drinking orange crush - maybe a little sweeter. I actually looked forward to it this time around because I remember liking it with my last pregnancy :) I think the baby liked it, too, because about half an hour later it started going NUTS in my belly.
On Monday I have my regular 6-month check-up. Last month my doctor told me I had gained a little more weight than I needed to - not what I wanted to hear! And despite my attempts to keep active this month I know that my ravenous appetite has probably been working against me. We'll see what the doctor says on Monday - his weigh scale never lies.

Here are some pictures from today. Micah has been playing with his baby bath tub a lot since he saw his cousin Noah getting a bath in it during their visit. Today I showed him how we could give his baby a bath. He decided it would be more fun to get in the bath with her. He was so cute, washing her face and her hands and feet. I'm sure he'll have fun being a big brother...


Anonymous said...

We love this mid-week post. Nate checked your blog on his own and called me in to look at the pictures. So cute! Don't worry about the doctor visit or his scale. We think you are looking perfectly pregnant, you are beautiful!

The Keowns said...

i can't believe your doctor said that!!! man, has he ever been pregnant?? my doctor always told me not to worry about the scale and as long as baby is good, it doesnt matter.
i can't believe you liked that drink. i found it good the first sip and then it just got worse. but I remember baby always danced around after. I actually passed out at this blood test i remember.

Amber said...

More power to ya that you like the glucose test drink. Mine was cola flavored.....disgusting! I think if I could chose I would try the orange flavor next time around. Glad your pregnancy is flying by ~ hopefully your last trimester is filled with good health and happiness :)

Janelle said...

oh forget him!! everyone seems to gain more with the second pregnancy, but like EVERYONE else says, you look amazing - and who cares - as long as you feel good???? stinkin' dr's....
do you think Erik ever thought his little guy would love to play with a doll? i think it's GREAT! it's totally going to prepare Micah for a little SISTER!!!!! haha

Anonymous said...

Micah- you are too cute with your baby! One day when you find a wife she will love seeing these pictures.

Rob, Lisa & Ryken John said...

Micah, you're going to be such a helpful big brother! Jaime, I don't know if you remember me talking about this, but my doctor too, told me, I was gaining too much wait. It got to the point where I skipped a week or two, and didn't go see him. Who tells a pregnant woman that, anyway? I really did try to eat healthy, and I think that your body knows how much extra support you need to carry that special baby inside of you. Don't listen to him, I gained more than the "norm" and it all came off anyway! God bless, and happy eating!